Arctic Stud Poker Run is a racing and poker game from Game Refuge. The game's title is one of the weirdest you have ever heard. And the game is not very different. The only notion you have from the title is that it has something to do with poker, and that its cold. Yes, the game has something to do with poker, full contact, violent poker....in snowmobiles. You are an elite gambler in arctic poker runs. These consist of racing through a course with snowmobiles while collecting poker cards in order to have the best hand at the finish line. The game has a small similarity to Mario Kart, that makes it entertaining. You can see what cards your opponents have, so you can shoot at them with missiles, guns and other weapons so they fall down and drop their cards. The game sounds interesting but there are a few downsides. The main is that the AI is just too easy to play with. The other one is that you cannot chose your own hand; you grab any cards available and the computer will sort them automatically. That damages the game a little bit. The multi-player is fun though, because you get to blow your friends for their cards. A weird name and a weirder concept, but it is not as bad as it sounds. Give it a try.